• Members 12 posts
    April 2, 2020, 8:17 a.m.

    COVID-19 has caused many colleges and universities to transition to online instruction and remote work. This transition has been difficult for faculty and staff – leaving them to navigate providing high quality education and promoting student success and student’s general well being from afar. Though advising and student stewardship cannot currently happen in person, we can still provide student support that is timely, personal and impactful.

    This is a unique time when students will need additional guidance the most. The importance of hearing our student’s concerns will be vital. In addition, taking into consideration the financial burden and mental health toll for all students including those most at-risk populations - first-generation and low-income students - which could possibly deter them from not returning for the next term.

    Aviso has collected resources to support higher education faculty, staff, and students.

    Resources related to: Internet Access, Food and Housing , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), President’s Guidelines, World Health Organization (WHO), Coronavirus Guidelines for America, CARES Act Summary for Higher Education, Advising in Times of Disruption, Student Aid Flexibility, US Department of Education, Inside Higher Ed, The Chronicle of Higher Education, HOPE Center, HOPE Center College Guide, Federal Student Aid, Resource Bank (Aspen Institute), How Technology Can Support Student Success

    Visit: COVID-19 Resources For Students by Aviso Retention

    Original Source: Covid-19 Resources for Students by Aviso Retention